Things You Didn't Know About Rachel Roy

May 2024 · 1 minute read

In 2004, after years of working as a designer at Rocawear, Roy launched her own eponymous fashion label and it's been super successful. Her creations have walked red carpets, packed show rooms, fashion shows and even landed at the White House. According to Entertainment Tonight, Roy has dressed Oprah Winfrey, Halle Berry, Gwyneth Paltrow and even former First Lady Michelle Obama.

"I do think that if it's what you love and what you are truly good at, and you have the passion for it, I think you will work so hard at it, and it just becomes your life," Roy said in 2012 about running her own company. "It's not a job, it's not a 9 to 5. Nothing about what I love is easy, but it's what I truly love, and so it doesn't even feel like work."

She doesn't just work for the fame and glory. Her goal is to make women feel "smart, strong, and confident," she explained. "If you're smart, you're gonna figure out how to be sexy, you're gonna figure out how to look good — everything else will just kind of follow suit. So, for me, if a woman feels smart, confident, and strong, then I've done my job."
