Woman Earns Guinness World Record for Having the Largest Mouth in the World

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Everyone has something that makes them unique, and not just fingerprints. In Samantha Ramdell's case, her mouth is her biggest asset - literally!

The 31-year-old Connecticut resident recently left a mark in history by becoming a Guinness World Records title holder for having the biggest mouth out of all women on the planet.

Ramdell's rise to fame started on TikTok, where she now has over 1.7 million followers. She opened her account on the platform last year as a way to stay creative during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Samantha Ramdell, owner of the largest female mouth in the world | Photo: Youtube.com/Guinness World Records

During a funny video, her fans noticed how unusually big her mouth was, suggesting that she had the biggest mouth in the world. However, there was only one way to find out.

Ramdell followed her fans' suggestion and contacted Guinness World Records. She also scheduled an appointment with Dr. Elke Cheung at her local dentist's office in South Norwalk.


With an official adjudicator present, the dentist used digital calipers to measure the length and width of Ramdell's mouth, and the results confirmed the TikTok users' suspicions.

Ramdell's mouth stretches up to 6.52 centimeters, and after learning that she was a world record titleholder, she was over the moon, especially since she used to feel insecure about it. She said:

"Being 31 and being able to get a record for something that really I was so insecure about, something that I wanted to keep so small, it’s great because now it’s like one of the biggest, best things about me.”


The TikTok star always had a huge mouth, ever since she was a little girl, and it is very noticeable in every photo she appears in. However, that led to quite some dark times for her.

Ramdell used to be bullied at school and made fun of by the other children, who called her "big bass mouth," among several other names. This brought her down, but she learned to accept her unique feature.

Nowadays, she is so much more comfortable and has fully embraced the fact that she has something no one else does, and even offered some advice for people struggling with their own quirks:

"It’s your superpower, it is a thing that makes you special and different from everyone else walking around."

One of Ramdell's greatest dreams is to become a comedian, and she plans on using her mouth and her TikTok page to move up the show business ladder.

Holding a world record is quite a prestigious achievement, and millions of people around the world attempt to get one, even if they seem a bit silly at times. However, a record is a record.


There are records for having the longest fingernails, for most spoons stuck to a human body, and even for juggling three motor saws 62 successful times in a row.

But some records take some really hard work, as proven by Traci Lyn Martin, a nurse from Mississippi who is currently on a mission to row over 2,000 miles in 61 days or less on her kayak.
