Hells Angels Doing Charity On Black Friday

May 2024 · 3 minute read

This Black Friday at a Walmart in Fresno, California, members of the infamous Hells Angels Motorcycle Club infiltrated the line of eager shoppers and did something truly insane, but not truly insane in a Hells Angels way. They purchased the maximum amount of bicycles on sale (200) and gave them all to needy kids. So it was truly insane in a regular "angel" kind of way. Like the kind of angel your mom sends emails about. 

The story of the biker gang's good deed first appeared this weekend on Reddit when a user shared a photo of a biker at a Walmart, making the big purchase. And while the act of kindness is supposed to make these bikers seem more human, I can't think of any way to make them more relatable than watching him wait for a cashier to print his mile-long Walmart receipt.

credit: Reddit user: Draculia_54

According to an interview with Fresno's Fox26 the group has a long-time tradition of donating to the Poverello House, a charity for the homeless and hungry. And the bikers are seriously stepping up their game, too. In 2010 they gave 30 bikes. This year they waited in Black Friday lines, for someone else. That's Presidential Medal of Freedom material right there. I also can't think of anything funnier than a dad trying to buy a bike for his kid, only to find out that the Hells Angels biker in front of him bought the last one. Would that dad fight for his kid to have a slightly discounted bike this Christmas? I doubt it. 

In the Fox26 interview a Hells Angels rep addressed the confusion over an otherwise terrifying man doing something kind. Now, make sure to imagine a large man in a leather vest on an imposing motorcycle saying the next quote. “People read what they want to read, and believe what they want to believe, we believe in these kids. We want to make sure to bring these toys here for these kids to have a great Christmas,” said Merl Hefferman, of the Fresno Hells Angels in 2010. Okay, now imagine Merle peeling out and laughing maniacally. That scary guy peeling out? He's a better guy than you.  

Just a little recap for all of you paying attention: You know that biker group long-connected to the violence at Altamont and drug-running and so, so much more? That group the FBI still considers a gang? Well it turns out they are really, really good guys. It actually makes me a little bummed that Sons of Anarchy is on its final season. Just think of how great an 8th season would be if it really focused on all the charity work they were doing between each vicious murder. Seems like a sweet way to wrap things up.

This really is exactly what the internet is great for, getting inspiring news from unlikely sources. I'm going to fight the urge to assume they were merely recruiting young gang members with bicycles (a clear gateway cycle to motorcycles) and I'm going to just close my eyes and enjoy the image of them pulling the bikes behind their Harley's via ropes and chains. And if you think they wouldn't look cool pulling bicycles behind a motorcycle, just imagine how non-threatening a Hells Angels guy would look loading a Huffy into a rented Uhaul van.
