Does deleting Uber account delete history?

May 2024 · 5 minute read


Does deleting Uber account delete history?

Deleting your Uber account will not delete your ride history. Your ride history is stored separately and deleting your account will not affect this data. However, you can request to delete your ride history separately by contacting Uber’s customer support. Keep in mind that deleting your ride history is irreversible and cannot be undone.

How can I delete my Uber account?

To delete your Uber account, follow these steps:

1. Open the Uber app on your mobile device.
2. Tap on the menu icon located in the top-left corner.
3. Select “Settings” from the menu.
4. Scroll down and tap on “Privacy Settings.”
5. Tap on “Delete Your Account” at the bottom of the screen.
6. Follow the on-screen instructions to confirm the account deletion.

Will deleting my Uber account cancel any upcoming rides?

No, deleting your Uber account will not automatically cancel any upcoming rides. If you have scheduled rides or pending reservations, you will need to cancel them manually before deleting your account. Failure to do so may result in cancellation fees or other penalties.

Can I reactivate my Uber account after deleting it?

Yes, you can reactivate your Uber account after deleting it. However, you will need to go through the registration process again, including verifying your phone number and creating a new password. Your ride history and other account data will not be restored.

What happens to my personal information after deleting my Uber account?

When you delete your Uber account, Uber retains certain information, such as your name, email address, and phone number, for legal and regulatory purposes. However, this information is no longer associated with an active account and is treated in accordance with Uber’s privacy policy.

Can I delete my ride history without deleting my Uber account?

Yes, you can request to delete your ride history without deleting your Uber account. Contact Uber’s customer support and provide them with the details of the specific rides you want to remove. It’s important to note that deleting ride history is permanent and cannot be undone.

How long does it take for Uber to delete my account?

Once you initiate the account deletion process, it may take a few days for Uber to fully process your request. During this time, you will not be able to access your account and all associated data will be permanently deleted.

Will deleting my Uber account stop receiving promotional emails?

Deleting your Uber account will stop all promotional emails and notifications from Uber. However, you may still receive transactional emails related to previous rides or account closures. If you continue to receive promotional emails after deleting your account, you can unsubscribe by following the instructions provided in the email.

What happens to my payment information after deleting my Uber account?

Your payment information, such as credit card details, will be securely removed from Uber’s system after deleting your account. Uber is committed to protecting your personal and financial information and follows industry-standard security practices.

Can I delete my Uber account if I have an outstanding balance?

You cannot delete your Uber account if you have an outstanding balance. You will need to settle any pending payments before initiating the account deletion process. Once the outstanding balance is cleared, you can proceed with deleting your account.

What happens to my driver rating after deleting my Uber account?

If you delete your Uber account as a rider, your driver rating will no longer be visible to Uber drivers. However, any previous ratings you have given to drivers will remain in Uber’s system.

Can I delete my Uber account if I have an active membership or subscription?

Yes, you can delete your Uber account even if you have an active membership or subscription. However, deleting your account will not automatically cancel any existing subscriptions or memberships. You will need to cancel them separately through the respective app or website.

Can I delete my Uber account if I have pending support requests?

It is recommended to resolve any pending support requests before deleting your Uber account. Deleting your account may make it more challenging for Uber’s customer support to address your concerns or provide a resolution. It’s best to resolve any outstanding issues before proceeding with the account deletion.

What happens to my Uber Eats account if I delete my Uber account?

If you delete your Uber account, your Uber Eats account will also be deleted. Any pending orders or credits associated with your Uber Eats account will be lost, and you will need to create a new account if you wish to use Uber Eats in the future.

Can I delete my Uber account if I have pending insurance claims?

It is advisable to consult with Uber’s customer support regarding any pending insurance claims before deleting your account. Deleting your account may affect the status or processing of your insurance claims, and it’s important to have all necessary information and documentation before proceeding with the account deletion.

This article covered the important aspects of deleting an Uber account and its impact on ride history, personal information, payment details, and other relevant considerations. Remember to carefully review the consequences and take necessary steps to safeguard your data before proceeding with the account deletion process.

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