Detective Nick Valentine Fan Casting for Fallout 4 - Live Action | myCast

May 2024 ยท 1 minute read

TV Show

by Hodd Toward

Story added by annag on March 12, 2021

A majority of these casting choices were made based on looks, some on voice, and others on personal preference. I'm trying to go in-depth with listing as many characters as possible. I may skip a few just out of necessity, as there are some characters that only have a few lines. With the way that Fallout 4 is set up, in terms of quests and storylines, this would have to be a television show. There's far too much content within the universe to cover in a few movies. I sort of imagined it to be structured similar to AMC's The Walking Dead. *** If you have any suggestions for roles I might have missed or actors/actresses you think would fit more

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