Where Was Predator Filmed? - Peerspace

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Filming in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

To kick things off, we’ll discuss one of the easier locations for the production to film in. Puerto Vallarta is located close to a beach resort about 400 miles west of Mexico City. According to Movie-Locations.com, this wasn’t the first time the resort was part of a major Hollywood production. “John Huston’s 1964 film adaptation of Tennessee Williams’ The Night Of The Iguana, with Richard Burton and Ava Gardner, had previously put Puerto Vallarta on the map as a resort when it was filmed at Mismaloya, just to the south.”

It looks like the “El Eden” resort has embraced its Predator ties. However, it also appears that the crashed helicopter and a sculpture of the titular alien are all that remains today. This area was the setting for some of the scenes at the beginning of the movie, like when Dutch’s crew attempts to rescue the guerilla fighters and before things get really hairy for them.

Now that we know at least some of the answers to the question “where was ‘Predator’ filmed?”. Now, let’s move a little deeper into the jungle and explore Palenque.

Palenque and the Misol-ha Waterfall

Some of the other most iconic scenes in “Predator” appear a bit closer to the end of the film. One of these is the waterfall confrontation between Dutch and the alien. This is another location that is sure to spark the question: where was “Predator” filmed?

This waterfall is near the town of Palenque and is the Misol-ha Waterfall. If you were looking to visit this location for yourself, then you’re in luck! An article on Gigaplaces tells us that not only can you visit the waterfall, but you’re also able to explore caves nearby and even get behind the gorgeous waterfall.

Be sure to take some precautions, though, because they say it’s no joke back there. “It’s almost unbelievable how much space is hidden under the overhang behind the waterfall – but the path is slippery and water is dripping everywhere”. So if you decide to visit the Misol-ha Waterfall for yourself, be sure to be mindful of your footing lest you take a tumble down like Dutch did in the movie!

According to Movie-Locations.com, there is also another memorable, albeit smaller, set of waterfalls that fans will remember Dutch swimming through. These are the “Cascadas de Aguas Azules” and are near the Misol-ha Waterfall. It appears that this is another location that you can access yourself, so if you’re ever in Mexico and looking to have your own tour of the filming locations from “Predator,” then you’re in luck. Palenque and Puerto Vallarta are both tourist-friendly.
