Original Elias Culona Lyrics English Translation

May 2024 · 3 minute read
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to see to see again by I will not arrive the

day every man goes for the ass

advanced fondness the hoists the canvas

They don't know how they always champion it

that you can't know what the

pick up look at the greeting and joke is the

combination of people who control that

They make me always sign in front of that

woman now lead to bar written

Laura Copa is the one from the fine neighborhood of

bag justify and valentino mature like

today also bugallo surpass pine says

I don't like the neighborhood like that, it's a

disguise and valentino matures like wine

I like her face

but if one of these go back there is no

they only live it tdt made to take advantage

paka paka paka paka

Outside of several landlines I am from the neighborhood

to which I bring skating and drinking well

I have a part in what reggaeton wants

hard to see how you move it

let's go to the disco new passion with my

all the women look who it is

that tonight we are going to pay

a spending in the rounds likes the

tangos and it's what you want me to sing

by fandangos she is drinking once

more we will finish

i like liked and valentino

she than the neighborhood if you don't like to like

and valentino sugar like wine

she will look for me that not all her

parties and I saw her one day walking by

the waves everyone looked but I was the one

first curly hair looked for oleaga

I was haunted by that woman and I

I want to talk to my complete and I what

pass pedro you do not respect me while

that the girl that you do with the suitcases

and here we are always lazy in the

fine neighborhood of you to taste and perón and

valentino matures like wine she me

go over and not

the last meters hurdles behind

Now I'm well made for these dates

bush what happened two bruc tell me wells and

tell me king since they are not mine they are 29 days

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